Annual Meeting Minutes - March 23, 2024
  1. Welcome by President Will Flory
  2. Vice President Patti Gaston report: PCTC scheduled (or participated in) 8 club events this past year. We aimed for a mix of old and new events, as well as diverse locations split between Maryland, Virginia, and even Pennsylvania. During the past year PCTC hosted or participated in the Summer Fun match, the Virginia Scottish Games, a Summer picnic, field trials, the Alexandria Scottish Walk parade, and the annual meeting. Unfortunately, the October 21 Fit Dog Talk and Walk and the February 24 Winter Fun Match were cancelled due to lack of RSVPs/entries. Thanks to all who supported our events, whether by hosting, presenting, judging, chairing, or participating.
  3. Secretary’s minutes Sas Argentine report: The Officers and Board met in person, by Zoom and by email to discuss: calendar events, online Judges Survey voting, distributing the Directory via email, Specialty trophies/momentoes, possibility of CTCA Roving Specialty on the Saturday April 2025 (declined the offer), received report from the Judges Survey Committee and Nominating Committee, and cancelation of February Fun Match and Fit Walk in October.
  4. Treasurer’s Report John Kornylo: PCTC checking balance: $33,893.50, PCTC Rescue checking: $61,379.68 and PCTC Rescue Business Checking: 5,798.84, Paypal account: $2,7957.57
  5. Rescue Report Lois Cleland/Veronica Hudak-Moe: The rescue committee is chaired by Veronica Hudak-Moe and Lois Cleland. Club members who help with the rescue effort are Ann Gates and Nan VonFeldt. 2023 was a quiet year in rescue.  We helped with one direct adoption of an adult male cairn in February.  We had only one dog come in as a foster dog.  She’s a little female who entered the program in December.  Veronica Hudak- Moe and Ken Moe fostered her and fell in love.  They adopted her in March of 2024. Thank you for your continuing support of the club’s rescue efforts.  The time will surely come when we have more dogs coming into our program, and we will need your help. 
  6. Newsletter Report Nicole Mitchell
  7. Judges Survey Committee Jackie Sowards, Chairman: Thanks to Rusty Smith for setting up a voting online account for the members who chose Class Judge Darle Heck and Sweepstakes Judge Merril Schmitt.
  8. Ways and Means Jackie Sowards: The Club raised $2,356.00 at the Specialty Dinner through the live and silent auction. Other funds raised: $376.00 for a total of $2732 for 2023.
  9. Specialty Chairman’s Report DiAnn Flory: for 2024 Class Judge Diane Ondo, Sweepstakes Judge Bill Kent. AKC has voted to allow neutered/spayed Cairns to be shown in Veterans Sweepstakes and as Veterans in a Class Show. For people who have not registered for the host hotel, may call them at their location for the special PCTC rate.  Traveling Dog Package available.  Asking people to pre-pay for breakfast/lunch provided on the Specialty Day, $20. Check the website on the Specialty Day on the calendar for all of the information concerning the Specialty.
  10. Nominating Committee Sas Argentine, Chairman: Committee included John Cleland and Linda Reiff, put forth the list of prospective Officers and Board members in the January Thistletalk.  President: Lois Cleland, VP Nicole Mitchell, Secretary Sas Argentine, Treasurer John Kornylo, Board: Veronica Hudak-Moe, Jackie Sowards, Leslie Spencer.  Motion by Nicole Mitchell/Pam Davis 2nd to cast one vote for the complete slate of Board.  Voted unanimously for the new Officers/Board.
  11. Field Trials Veronica and Ken Moe: The Club held the Field Trials on October 28, 2023, 28 Terriers entered in the races and 21 in Go-to-Ground. Many thanks for all of the help setting up and breaking down the equipment for the Field Trials.
  12. Membership Veronica Hudak Moe: Since the 2023 last report in March 2023, we have gained 2 new members, Marti and Pete Cullen.  One member died (Larry Driebel).  Eleven households haven’t paid their dues for 2024.  As of this writing, we have 103 members in 71 households.  Four membership packets were sent out since March 2022 via email.  We have on new member applicant to be voted on at the meeting who was listed in the January newsletter: Claudia Gilbert.  The members voted unanimously voted for Claudia to join the Club.
  13. Website Veronica Hudak Moe: Website was launched 24 years ago this June and continues to give members the ability to update contact info, pay dues, RSVP to events, and access Club forms and other “members only” information. The site is set up to take payments through PayPal who charges us a percentage and a transaction fee for every payment. Some members have been going directly to PayPal to pay for dues or other items, but without adding the extra fees.  This means the Club is not getting the full amount owed, so please use the website to pay for these items.
  14. Facebook Veronica Hudak Moe: The PCTC page on Facebook allow both Club members and non-members to follow Club happenings and currently has around 939 followers.  This page allows its followers to share Cairn-related photos, videos, and link and it’s another way to get more traffic to our website and inform the public about our Club.  There is also a Rescue page on Facebook with 721 followers that targets rescue owner and Cairn lovers in order to educate them about rescue and get them involved in Club events.
  15. AKC Report Pam Davis, AKC Club Rep: Fast Cat fundraiser event in NJ after National Specialty in October on Monday.  October 7th is an Earthdog Event.  November 15th Mt. Laurel NJ fundraiser AKC event.
  16. Breeder Referral Roberta Perry: The Breeder Referral Committee serves as resource for people who are looking to add a Cairn to their home.  I answer their questions and Cairns and help them to locate PCTC breeders. The PCTC website offers many articles to educate the public. In addition, our website has a link to the CTCA website with a list of their members, as well as articles on the health Concerns in the breed.

2023 has been a reflection of the downward trend in the dog fancy.  Presently there are few breeders, few litters and fewer prospective owners.  In 2023 I have received 14 email inquires and 5 phone calls from people looking to acquire a Cairn.  Additionally, 4 people have called looking for a groomer. Comment from Marti Cullen: it was difficult to navigate the CTCA website to find breeders who have litters.

  1. President’s Award from Will Flory: A recognition who has served the Club above and beyond expectation.  Given to outgoing Club Vice President, Patti Gaston. Thank you, Patti!
  2. Annual Awards Lois Cleland


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